5 Self-Care Tips for the Holidays
It is that time of year again! The holidays are my favorite time of year. What I love most about the holidays is spending time with my family! It's a time to reflect, share laughs, and enjoy each other's company.
The holidays can also be stressful. I procrastinate and wait until the last minute to get my shopping done. Not to mention, I have a big family, so that also means I spend more $$$!! For many, this time of year
can be when anxiety is at an all-time high, causing stress and panic.
It's also a time of year some feel sadness due to grief from a loved one's passing, lack of financial resources, family issues, etc. Society makes us feel like this time of year is mainly about spending money and going broke to be happy. Sheesh!
Thankfully there are ways to navigate this so here are a five helpful self-care tips to consider for this holiday season.
1. Do not overextend yourself. Overextending yourself financially, physically, and emotionally is a recipe for stress and exhaustion. Create a realistic holiday plan for yourself which can entail creating a holiday budget, where you will spend the holidays, meals, etc. Stick to your plan and adjust your plan as needed.
2. Get some rest. Rest is good for the body. It's easy to get caught up in the adrenaline rush of the holidays, a long list of overdue tasks, work deadlines, etc., causing you to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Lack of sleep can cause you to feel anxious and agitated. Take time to prioritize self-care.
3. Limit your time on social media/television. Unplug from social media. This time of year, we are bombarded with holiday marketing and the constant message to buy things to feel good. We also see how others live and feel the need to compare ourselves to what we perceive to be the "perfect" life. Please don't buy into it. Focus on the things around you outside of social media that bring you joy!
4. Write in your journal. Journaling is a great way to release. Writing in a gratitude journal helps you focus on the positive things around you. Journaling is a great way to get those feelings out, even if you aren't feeling optimistic.
5. Acknowledge your feelings. This time of year can be challenging for some people who have lost loved ones. If the loss is recent, grief can feel strong during the holidays. I have been there. In May 2004, I lost my paternal grandmother, whom I was close to and loved dearly. I struggled that Christmas holiday, I was the only one visibly emotional over her loss, so I felt like my family had moved on despite the loss of my grandmother. That wasn't the case, but that is how grief can show up.
What I didn't realize was that my family was grieving in their own way and there was nothing wrong with their way of grieving. Acknowledging grief can be challenging, but it can help you navigate the holidays with an understanding that you may feel sad and want to cry and that everyone processes grief differently. It's OK not to feel celebratory, but there are ways you can manage your grief, such as reflecting on happier times with your loved one.
BONUS: Be kind to yourself and others. We don't know what someone else is going through, and kindness goes a long way. It can brighten someone's day, make them feel loved, and get them through a tough time.
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